How Long Can Red Eared Slider Turtles Stay Underwater

Red Eared Slider Turtles, scientifically known as Trachemys scripta elegans, are one of the most popular pet turtles around the world. These aquatic turtles are native to the southern United States and northern Mexico, but they have been introduced to various other regions due to their popularity as pets. One fascinating aspect of these turtles is their ability to stay underwater for extended periods. In this article, we will explore how long red eared slider turtles can stay underwater and the factors that influence their diving capabilities.

The Physiology of Red Eared Slider Turtles

Before delving into the duration of their underwater stays, it is essential to understand the physiological adaptations that enable red eared slider turtles to spend extended periods submerged. These turtles have several unique features that facilitate their aquatic lifestyle:

  • Shell: The shell of a red eared slider turtle is streamlined and lightweight, allowing them to move efficiently through the water.
  • Webbed Feet: Their feet are fully webbed, enabling them to paddle through the water with ease.
  • Gills: As hatchlings, red eared sliders possess gills that allow them to respire underwater. However, as they mature, they develop lungs and become primarily air-breathing creatures.
  • Cloacal Bursae: These turtles have specialized structures called cloacal bursae, which extract oxygen from water. This adaptation enables them to extract oxygen even when submerged.

Factors Affecting Underwater Stay

The duration red eared slider turtles can stay underwater varies depending on several factors. Let’s explore some of the key factors that influence their diving capabilities:

Age and Size

The age and size of a red eared slider turtle play a significant role in determining how long they can stay underwater. Younger turtles have smaller lung capacities and may need to surface more frequently to breathe. As they grow, their lung capacity increases, allowing them to stay submerged for longer periods. Adult red eared sliders can typically hold their breath for 15-20 minutes, while juveniles may only manage a few minutes.


Temperature also affects the diving capabilities of red eared slider turtles. These turtles are ectothermic, meaning their body temperature is regulated by the environment. In colder temperatures, their metabolic rate decreases, and they can hold their breath for longer periods. Conversely, in warmer temperatures, their metabolic rate increases, and they may need to surface more frequently to breathe.

Activity Level

The activity level of red eared slider turtles can impact their underwater stay. When they are active and swimming vigorously, their oxygen consumption increases, and they may need to surface more frequently to replenish their oxygen levels. On the other hand, when they are resting or basking, their oxygen consumption decreases, allowing them to stay submerged for longer durations.

Water Quality

The quality of the water in which red eared slider turtles reside also affects their diving capabilities. Turtles living in clean and well-oxygenated water can stay underwater for longer periods compared to those in polluted or oxygen-depleted environments. Poor water quality can negatively impact their health and ability to extract oxygen from the water.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can red eared slider turtles breathe underwater?

No, red eared slider turtles cannot breathe underwater like fish. While they have adaptations that allow them to extract oxygen from water, they still need to surface periodically to breathe air.

2. How long can adult red eared slider turtles hold their breath?

Adult red eared slider turtles can typically hold their breath for 15-20 minutes. However, this duration may vary depending on factors such as temperature, activity level, and water quality.

3. Do red eared slider turtles drown if they cannot reach the surface?

Red eared slider turtles have evolved to survive in aquatic environments, and they have mechanisms to extract oxygen from water. However, if they are unable to reach the surface for an extended period, their oxygen levels may deplete, leading to distress or even death.

4. How can I provide a suitable environment for my red eared slider turtle?

To ensure your red eared slider turtle thrives, it is crucial to provide a well-maintained aquarium or pond. The water should be clean, properly filtered, and well-oxygenated. Additionally, offering a basking area with a heat lamp and UVB light is essential for their overall health.

5. Can red eared slider turtles drown if they are kept in a tank without access to the surface?

Yes, red eared slider turtles can drown if they are kept in a tank without access to the surface. It is vital to provide them with a basking area where they can climb out of the water to breathe and regulate their body temperature.

6. Are there any risks associated with prolonged underwater stays for red eared slider turtles?

While red eared slider turtles are adapted for spending time underwater, prolonged stays without access to the surface can still pose risks. Insufficient oxygen intake can lead to stress, weakened immune systems, and other health issues. It is essential to provide them with an environment that allows them to surface and breathe as needed.


Red eared slider turtles have remarkable adaptations that enable them to spend extended periods underwater. Their streamlined shells, webbed feet, and cloacal bursae all contribute to their diving capabilities. The duration they can stay submerged varies depending on factors such as age, size, temperature, activity level, and water quality. While adult red eared sliders can hold their breath for 15-20 minutes, it is crucial to provide them with an environment that allows them to surface and breathe as needed. By understanding their physiological adaptations and the factors influencing their diving capabilities, turtle enthusiasts can ensure the well-being of their red eared slider pets.