How Long Can Softshell Turtles Be Out Of Water

Softshell turtles are fascinating creatures that are known for their unique physical characteristics and behavior. One common question that arises when it comes to these turtles is how long they can stay out of water. In this article, we will explore the various factors that influence the time softshell turtles can spend outside their aquatic habitat.

Physical Adaptations of Softshell Turtles

Softshell turtles, as the name suggests, have a soft shell compared to other turtle species. This soft shell is not made of hard scutes like other turtles but is covered with a leathery skin. This adaptation allows them to be more agile in water and enables them to move swiftly to catch prey or escape from predators.

However, their soft shell also makes them vulnerable on land. Unlike other turtles, softshell turtles cannot retract their head and limbs into their shell for protection. Instead, they have a long neck and a streamlined body that helps them move quickly in water but makes them less efficient on land.

Respiration and Water Dependency

Softshell turtles are primarily aquatic creatures and rely on water for their respiration. They have specialized gills that extract oxygen from the water, allowing them to breathe underwater. This adaptation limits their ability to stay out of water for extended periods.

While softshell turtles can survive short periods on land, they are not well-equipped for prolonged exposure. Their ability to breathe air is limited, and they may experience respiratory distress if they are unable to access water for an extended period.

Factors Affecting Time Out of Water

The duration a softshell turtle can spend out of water depends on several factors:

  • Species: Different species of softshell turtles have varying levels of tolerance to being out of water. Some species, like the Florida softshell turtle, can tolerate longer periods on land compared to others.
  • Age and Size: Younger softshell turtles are generally more vulnerable and have a lower tolerance for being out of water compared to adults. Additionally, larger turtles have more body mass and can retain moisture for longer periods.
  • Environmental Conditions: The temperature and humidity of the environment play a crucial role in a softshell turtle’s ability to stay out of water. Higher temperatures and lower humidity levels can lead to faster dehydration and limit their time on land.
  • Health and Hydration: A healthy and well-hydrated softshell turtle will have a better chance of surviving longer periods out of water compared to a dehydrated or sick turtle.

Case Study: The Florida Softshell Turtle

The Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox) is a species known for its ability to tolerate extended periods out of water. This turtle has a unique respiratory adaptation that allows it to extract oxygen from the air through its skin, in addition to its gills.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida found that Florida softshell turtles can survive up to 72 hours out of water in optimal conditions. However, it is important to note that this is an exceptional case, and most softshell turtles cannot survive for such extended periods without access to water.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can softshell turtles live solely on land?

No, softshell turtles are primarily aquatic creatures and require water for their survival. While they can tolerate short periods on land, they cannot live solely outside their aquatic habitat.

2. How long can a softshell turtle survive out of water?

The duration a softshell turtle can survive out of water varies depending on factors such as species, age, size, environmental conditions, and health. In general, most softshell turtles can only survive for a few hours to a couple of days without access to water.

3. What happens if a softshell turtle is out of water for too long?

If a softshell turtle is out of water for too long, it can experience dehydration and respiratory distress. Prolonged exposure to dry conditions can be detrimental to their health and may even lead to death.

4. Can softshell turtles drown?

Softshell turtles are adapted for aquatic life and are excellent swimmers. While they can stay underwater for extended periods, they cannot drown as they have specialized adaptations for respiration in water.

5. How can I provide a suitable environment for my pet softshell turtle?

If you have a pet softshell turtle, it is essential to provide a suitable aquatic habitat that mimics their natural environment. This includes a spacious tank with clean water, a basking area, and appropriate filtration and heating systems.

6. Can softshell turtles survive in brackish water?

Yes, some species of softshell turtles, such as the Florida softshell turtle, can tolerate brackish water. However, it is important to ensure that the salinity levels are within the acceptable range for the specific species.


Softshell turtles have unique physical adaptations that make them well-suited for an aquatic lifestyle. While they can tolerate short periods out of water, they are not designed for prolonged exposure on land. Factors such as species, age, size, environmental conditions, and health influence the duration a softshell turtle can spend outside its aquatic habitat. It is crucial to provide a suitable environment for these turtles to ensure their well-being and survival.